"You can ask anything you want, nothing is off limits!"
Happy Sunday everyone! We hope that you all had a lovely week (the rain aside)! We have been doing our usual zooms, being creative virtually and constantly thinking about our future plans, which we are always excited to talk about and plan out our next steps a little more.
Tomorrow, we will be meeting up in person again for some rehearsals and admin work together back in Swansea, Wales (Shaz and Sally are most excited about returning to Wales and crossing the bridge after 14 months). However, for today's blog we will be bringing you the first in a four-part blog, where we give you an insight into the team a little more with some questions from the rest of the company, and as mentioned by Sally above, nothing is off limits!

The first 'Getting To Know...' blog is with Sally. From a young age Sally has always entertained people in one way or another. Since then she has put that natural talent to good use and applied those skills professionally. Sally's skills lie in directing, puppetry, improvisation and storytelling, usually with a comedic twist. She also facilitates several workshops ranging from community pieces to puppetry. Sally met Shaz and Tommy while studying their MA in Drama and have worked to create diverse shows together while also collaborating with Rhys and from this South By SouthWest Theatre Company was created.
1. What's your favourite cheese? (asked by Shaz)
"I quite like an applewood smoked cheddar. I think it goes really well with charcuterie" (crackers and meat for the people who had to check like Tommy).
2. If you could be an object what would you be and why? (asked by Rhys)
"I would like to be a pen. Because I can be useful in a time of need, until the ink runs out in which I then need a refill, speaking of refills, I could do with another cup of coffee.”
3. If you could have any superhero power what would it be and why? (asked by Tommy)
"I would like to have the power of telekinesis. (an audible 'oooo' is made by Shaz) because it would be quite useful. I would levitate heavy objects like scenery. I am quite clumsy so I can set myself up when I fall over. It would be helpful just for everyday jobs."
4. Who are you crushing on right now? (asked by Shaz)
"Apart from Rhys obviously… (Sally goes really coy as we continue to ask her and Shaz reminds her "You said nothing was off limits") I genuinely don’t have anyone at the moment, I’m sooo single. I’m so into crocheting now, I don’t have time for men, I’m making socks mostly.”
It took about half an hour to come up with a sensible answer, finally she listed off a couple of fictional characters, then couldn’t stop listing various celebrities.
“These are two fictional characters, one is Luke Skywalker and the other has to be The Goblin King from Labyrinth. The character is very charismatic, the book only came out last year, it’s a great book! And in the real world, I have a soft spot for Noel Feilding and we’ll add a bit of Greg Davies for good measure."
5. What secret conspiracy would you like to start? (asked by Rhys)
"I would say that mice have their own political agenda."
6. What’s your biggest fear? (asked by Tommy)
"Ooo.. Ummm.. My biggest fear is being incarcerated for something I didn’t do and that I can’t prove that I’m not meant to be in there. To not be able to prove that I am in my right mind and that someone was playing the system illegally and that I couldn’t prove my innocence or truth is terrifying. Fear of heights, I don’t like falling over, so that’s a rational one."
7. Sal, what was your favourite childhood toy? (asked by Shaz)
"Think back to before the trauma, I joke… I would say that my favourite childhood toy was, ah come on, I have a knitted kangaroo that my nan made just before she died and although I didn’t use it, that’s my favourite thing, it’s actually a glove puppet too and it’s on my bed to this day." (Sally then showed us the puppet, it was a glove puppet too with a little joey finger puppet.)
8. What is something that everyone looks stupid doing? (asked by Rhys)
"Ummm.. Those dances at discos, “oops upside your head”, “YMCA”, “Superman” (Shaz exclaims that she loves them) haha, don’t get me wrong, I love them, but we all look a little stupid!" (We all then proceeded to do some of the moves on video call together).
9. What do you do when no one else is around? (asked by Tommy) "Aside from arts and crafts, I definitely and Ironically talk to myself otherwise I forget what I’m doing, but also I have been practicing ventriloquism so now I have a reason to talk to myself." (Of course, as we are a bunch of easily distracted creatives, we completely went off topic again!)
10. Sal, if you weren’t you. Who would you be? (asked by Shaz)
"I’d imagine myself, if I was someone else, to be someone who was confident and didn’t worry about what anyone else thought of them or what anyone else said and can just brush off frustrating things and frustrating comments. I would quite like to be a hermit who just lived in a cottage by a river who lived off the land, had a couple of ducks, like a little cottage gremlin." (For some reason we then went on to talk about Rosie and Jim, we had to take a quick break while Rhys had to get rid of a spider and we talked about nostalgic 90’s cartoons).
11. If you could go back in time to see you at a young age, what would you say to young Sally? (Said RuPaul) (asked by Rhys)
"I would say to myself ‘you have got to keep going, there are going to be some difficult times and in hindsight, would going to a better school help, probably, but maybe not? There are going to be times when I look back and cringe, but I know the people who wronged me and that I will grow. I don’t have regrets as much, but there are moments, not in a creepy way, there was some people manipulated situations a lot. Going undiagnosed with certain things for so many years has been detrimental in a way. It[s not that I want an excuse, I wanted an explanation as to why I was the way I was. Abnormality, useful to know. The awkwardness I experienced when I was younger just is what it is. I know now, that even though I struggled, and sometimes still do, if I keep going, even in the hardest times, it makes it all worth it. To prove that I’m not just what people say I am. I’m more. I’m me.”
12. If you had to live in another time period, when would it be and why? (asked by Tommy)
"Ooo that's good. I would like to live in the middle ages and that is because, life seemed so much more simple back then. I think the hermit, cottage dwelling gremlin life suits me. However, that’s not to say I don’t want any company, it just has to be the right people. (Hint, hint)”
We hope that you enjoyed getting to know Sally just as much as we did as a Theatre Company did, it's good to know who you're working with! We look forward to shedding a little more light on another member in a few weeks.
In the meantime, make sure you're following us on our socials to keep up to date with all our latest announcements!
- South By SouthWest Theatre Company x